Syntherela Leaderboard
- "headers": [
- "Dataset",
- "Model",
- "C2ST Agg-XGBClassifier ⬇️",
- "CardinalityShapeSimilarity ⬆️"
- "data": [
- [
- "Berka",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.68,
- 0.9558614203434512
- [
- "Berka",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.76,
- 0.8702966554042331
- [
- "Berka",
- 0.75,
- 0.8377461544101248
- [
- "Berka",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.71,
- 1
- [
- "Berka",
- "SDV",
- 0.78,
- 0.7880090187590187
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.89,
- 0.7901993348538191
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- 0.88,
- 0.8468129244088487
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.58,
- 1
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "SDV",
- 0.98,
- 0.6204110197156535
- [
- "Cora",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.67,
- 0.965288035450517
- [
- "Cora",
- 0.73,
- 0.957040866568193
- [
- "Cora",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.66,
- 1
- [
- "Cora",
- "SDV",
- 1,
- 0.6947316592811422
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 1,
- 0.9952
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.61,
- 0.9818
- [
- "Airbnb",
- 0.98,
- 0.9663
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 0.99,
- 0.7754
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.69,
- 1
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "SDV",
- 1,
- 0.2642
- [
- "F1",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.82,
- 0.9478255297494484
- [
- "F1",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.98,
- 0.5471663011774084
- [
- "F1",
- 0.91,
- 0.5472154973567552
- [
- "F1",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.73,
- 1
- [
- "F1",
- "SDV",
- 0.95,
- 0.7159365888542085
- [
- "IMDB",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.64,
- 0.990230445030951
- [
- "IMDB",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.69,
- 0.7923413886804269
- [
- "IMDB",
- 0.77,
- 0.7643021535729301
- [
- "IMDB",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.6,
- 1
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.86,
- 0.9991031390134529
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.6,
- 0.9013452914798207
- [
- "Rossmann",
- 0.88,
- 0.8672645739910314
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 0.86,
- 0.32735426008968604
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.72,
- 1
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "SDV",
- 0.98,
- 0.9919282511210762
- [
- "Walmart",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.67,
- 0.8777777777777778
- [
- "Walmart",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.93,
- 0.6111111111111112
- [
- "Walmart",
- 0.92,
- 0.9
- [
- "Walmart",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 0.89,
- 0.9222222222222223
- [
- "Walmart",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.94,
- 1
- [
- "Walmart",
- "SDV",
- 0.88,
- 0.8555555555555556
- [
- "metadata": null
- "headers": [
- "Dataset",
- "Model",
- "MaximumMeanDiscrepancy ⬇️",
- "PairwiseCorrelationDifference ⬇️",
- "SingleTableDetection-XGBClassifier ⬇️"
- "data": [
- [
- "Berka",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.05,
- 0.58,
- 0.55
- [
- "Berka",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.42,
- 2.47,
- 0.72
- [
- "Berka",
- 0.71,
- 1.92,
- 0.69
- [
- "Berka",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.52,
- 1.67,
- 0.64
- [
- "Berka",
- "SDV",
- 4.35,
- 0.74,
- 0.83
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.11,
- 1.32,
- 0.58
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- 0.01,
- 0.49,
- 0.58
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "RGCLD",
- 0,
- 0.09,
- 0.57
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "SDV",
- 0,
- 0.14,
- 0.69
- [
- "Cora",
- "TabularARGN",
- null,
- null,
- 0.5
- [
- "Cora",
- null,
- null,
- 0.49
- [
- "Cora",
- "RGCLD",
- null,
- null,
- 0.51
- [
- "Cora",
- "SDV",
- null,
- null,
- 0.76
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.84,
- 1.23,
- 0.78
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0,
- 0.12,
- 0.64
- [
- "Airbnb",
- 0.01,
- 0.3,
- 0.88
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 0.74,
- 1.16,
- 0.93
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.03,
- 0.25,
- 0.63
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "SDV",
- 0,
- 0.11,
- 1
- [
- "F1",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.43,
- 0.94,
- 0.7
- [
- "F1",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.1,
- 1.16,
- 0.82
- [
- "F1",
- 0.06,
- 0.55,
- 0.81
- [
- "F1",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.03,
- 0.5,
- 0.68
- [
- "F1",
- "SDV",
- 1.64,
- 1.16,
- 0.9
- [
- "IMDB",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0,
- 0.02,
- 0.5
- [
- "IMDB",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0,
- 0.05,
- 0.51
- [
- "IMDB",
- 0,
- 0.05,
- 0.55
- [
- "IMDB",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.01,
- 0.02,
- 0.52
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.01,
- 0.18,
- 0.67
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.02,
- 0.14,
- 0.55
- [
- "Rossmann",
- 0.13,
- 0.21,
- 0.89
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 1.05,
- 0.21,
- 0.74
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.04,
- 0.14,
- 0.78
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "SDV",
- 0.89,
- 0.36,
- 0.96
- [
- "Walmart",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.13,
- 0.37,
- 0.54
- [
- "Walmart",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.12,
- 1.47,
- 0.82
- [
- "Walmart",
- 0.46,
- 1.36,
- 0.75
- [
- "Walmart",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 0.93,
- 1.34,
- 0.68
- [
- "Walmart",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.03,
- 0.44,
- 0.64
- [
- "Walmart",
- "SDV",
- 0.25,
- 0.91,
- 0.85
- [
- "metadata": null
- "headers": [
- "Dataset",
- "Table",
- "Model",
- "ChiSquareTest ⬇️",
- "HellingerDistance ⬇️",
- "JensenShannonDistance ⬇️",
- "KolmogorovSmirnovTest ⬇️",
- "SingleColumnDetection-XGBClassifier ⬇️",
- "TotalVariationDistance ⬇️",
- "WassersteinDistance ⬇️"
- "data": [
- [
- "Berka",
- "account",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.46,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.02,
- 0.51,
- 0.02,
- 0.01
- [
- "Berka",
- "card",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 6.95,
- 0.06,
- 0.06,
- 0.08,
- 0.52,
- 0.15,
- 0.03
- [
- "Berka",
- "client",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.45,
- 0.34,
- 0.29,
- 0.77,
- 0.69,
- 0.7,
- 0.49
- [
- "Berka",
- "disp",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.33,
- 0,
- 0,
- null,
- 0.5,
- 0.01,
- null
- [
- "Berka",
- "district",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 21.51,
- 0.15,
- 0.14,
- 0.12,
- 0.4,
- 0.25,
- 0.03
- [
- "Berka",
- "loan",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.02,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.45,
- 0.06,
- 0.01
- [
- "Berka",
- "order",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 17.01,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- 0.51,
- 0.05,
- 0
- [
- "Berka",
- "trans",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 201.4,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.52,
- 0.01,
- 0
- [
- "Berka",
- "account",
- "TabularARGN",
- 12.87,
- 0.07,
- 0.07,
- 0.13,
- 0.53,
- 0.14,
- 0.08
- [
- "Berka",
- "card",
- "TabularARGN",
- 125.59,
- 0.37,
- 0.32,
- 0.16,
- 0.63,
- 0.5,
- 0.04
- [
- "Berka",
- "client",
- "TabularARGN",
- 23.32,
- 0.06,
- 0.06,
- 0.07,
- 0.53,
- 0.13,
- 0.04
- [
- "Berka",
- "disp",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.99,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- null,
- 0.5,
- 0.01,
- null
- [
- "Berka",
- "district",
- "TabularARGN",
- 1.27,
- 0.34,
- 0.31,
- 0.23,
- 0.58,
- 0.66,
- 0.07
- [
- "Berka",
- "loan",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.52,
- 0.27,
- 0.24,
- 0.19,
- 0.68,
- 0.42,
- 0.06
- [
- "Berka",
- "order",
- "TabularARGN",
- 50.48,
- 0.06,
- 0.06,
- 0.1,
- 0.55,
- 0.12,
- 0.03
- [
- "Berka",
- "trans",
- "TabularARGN",
- 8908.76,
- 0.08,
- 0.08,
- 0.12,
- 0.57,
- 0.19,
- 0.02
- [
- "Berka",
- "account",
- 218.05,
- 0.1,
- 0.1,
- 0.1,
- 0.55,
- 0.21,
- 0.03
- [
- "Berka",
- "card",
- 1.78,
- 0.06,
- 0.06,
- 0.11,
- 0.52,
- 0.11,
- 0.04
- [
- "Berka",
- "client",
- 0.57,
- 0.04,
- 0.04,
- 0.06,
- 0.51,
- 0.07,
- 0.03
- [
- "Berka",
- "disp",
- 260.69,
- 0.11,
- 0.11,
- null,
- 0.57,
- 0.26,
- null
- [
- "Berka",
- "district",
- 29.26,
- 0.25,
- 0.23,
- 0.28,
- 0.57,
- 0.49,
- 0.09
- [
- "Berka",
- "loan",
- 1.14,
- 0.15,
- 0.14,
- 0.16,
- 0.6,
- 0.3,
- 0.07
- [
- "Berka",
- "order",
- 128.1,
- 0.08,
- 0.08,
- 0.08,
- 0.55,
- 0.17,
- 0.03
- [
- "Berka",
- "trans",
- 76744.65,
- 0.13,
- 0.12,
- 0.07,
- 0.62,
- 0.29,
- 0.01
- [
- "Berka",
- "account",
- "RGCLD",
- 22.02,
- 0.05,
- 0.05,
- 0.04,
- 0.51,
- 0.09,
- 0
- [
- "Berka",
- "card",
- "RGCLD",
- 558.89,
- 0.52,
- 0.5,
- 0.69,
- 0.87,
- 1.24,
- 0.02
- [
- "Berka",
- "client",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.08,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.5,
- 0.02,
- 0.01
- [
- "Berka",
- "disp",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.86,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- null,
- 0.5,
- 0.01,
- null
- [
- "Berka",
- "district",
- "RGCLD",
- 27.43,
- 0.36,
- 0.34,
- 0.27,
- 0.62,
- 0.74,
- 0.17
- [
- "Berka",
- "loan",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.01,
- 0.12,
- 0.11,
- 0.11,
- 0.55,
- 0.2,
- 0.04
- [
- "Berka",
- "order",
- "RGCLD",
- 17.39,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.04,
- 0.51,
- 0.06,
- 0.01
- [
- "Berka",
- "trans",
- "RGCLD",
- 1970.45,
- 0.04,
- 0.04,
- 0.04,
- 0.54,
- 0.08,
- 0.03
- [
- "Berka",
- "account",
- "SDV",
- 2664.33,
- 0.29,
- 0.28,
- 0.11,
- 0.66,
- 0.68,
- 0.04
- [
- "Berka",
- "card",
- "SDV",
- 125.59,
- 0.56,
- 0.49,
- 0.54,
- 0.81,
- 1.07,
- 0.18
- [
- "Berka",
- "client",
- "SDV",
- 928.32,
- 0.13,
- 0.13,
- 0.04,
- 0.58,
- 0.34,
- 0.02
- [
- "Berka",
- "disp",
- "SDV",
- 943.34,
- 0.29,
- 0.24,
- null,
- 0.58,
- 0.32,
- null
- [
- "Berka",
- "district",
- "SDV",
- 26.23,
- 0.22,
- 0.2,
- 0.17,
- 0.53,
- 0.42,
- 0.04
- [
- "Berka",
- "loan",
- "SDV",
- 791.28,
- 0.8,
- 0.7,
- 0.95,
- 0.97,
- 1.73,
- 0.44
- [
- "Berka",
- "order",
- "SDV",
- 6448.73,
- 0.65,
- 0.56,
- 1,
- 0.9,
- 1.29,
- 0.22
- [
- "Berka",
- "trans",
- "SDV",
- 370260.67,
- 0.72,
- 0.62,
- 0.85,
- 0.87,
- 1.45,
- 0.3
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "atom",
- "TabularARGN",
- 196.23,
- 0.1,
- 0.1,
- null,
- 0.54,
- 0.16,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "bond",
- "TabularARGN",
- 36.48,
- 0.06,
- 0.05,
- null,
- 0.52,
- 0.08,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "group",
- "TabularARGN",
- 31.42,
- 0.12,
- 0.1,
- null,
- 0.47,
- 0.1,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "molecule",
- "TabularARGN",
- null,
- 0.16,
- 0.15,
- 0.12,
- 0.59,
- 0.31,
- 0.03
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "atom",
- 14.16,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- null,
- 0.5,
- 0.02,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "bond",
- 10.48,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- null,
- 0.5,
- 0.02,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "group",
- 19.32,
- 0.05,
- 0.05,
- null,
- 0.5,
- 0.1,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "molecule",
- null,
- 0.19,
- 0.18,
- 0.16,
- 0.68,
- 0.35,
- 0.04
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "atom",
- "RGCLD",
- 5.24,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- null,
- 0.49,
- 0.01,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "bond",
- "RGCLD",
- 6.69,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- null,
- 0.5,
- 0.01,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "group",
- "RGCLD",
- 10.01,
- 0.04,
- 0.04,
- null,
- 0.48,
- 0.06,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "molecule",
- "RGCLD",
- null,
- 0.1,
- 0.09,
- 0.13,
- 0.65,
- 0.13,
- 0.01
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "atom",
- "SDV",
- 3690.42,
- 0.44,
- 0.41,
- null,
- 0.72,
- 0.9,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "bond",
- "SDV",
- 2700.61,
- 0.44,
- 0.4,
- null,
- 0.71,
- 0.83,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "group",
- "SDV",
- 56.62,
- 0.09,
- 0.09,
- null,
- 0.53,
- 0.2,
- null
- [
- "Biodegradability",
- "molecule",
- "SDV",
- null,
- 0.17,
- 0.16,
- 0.1,
- 0.65,
- 0.3,
- 0.02
- [
- "Cora",
- "content",
- "TabularARGN",
- 2865.36,
- 0.14,
- 0.13,
- null,
- 0.53,
- 0.26,
- null
- [
- "Cora",
- "paper",
- "TabularARGN",
- 1.6,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- null,
- 0.48,
- 0.03,
- null
- [
- "Cora",
- "content",
- 700.93,
- 0.06,
- 0.06,
- null,
- 0.49,
- 0.11,
- null
- [
- "Cora",
- "paper",
- 3.74,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- null,
- 0.5,
- 0.05,
- null
- [
- "Cora",
- "content",
- "RGCLD",
- 2978.23,
- 0.13,
- 0.13,
- null,
- 0.53,
- 0.24,
- null
- [
- "Cora",
- "paper",
- "RGCLD",
- 2.77,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- null,
- 0.49,
- 0.04,
- null
- [
- "Cora",
- "content",
- "SDV",
- 82421.73,
- 0.86,
- 0.75,
- null,
- 0.96,
- 1.77,
- null
- [
- "Cora",
- "paper",
- "SDV",
- 94.12,
- 0.09,
- 0.09,
- null,
- 0.56,
- 0.23,
- null
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "sessions",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 476.79,
- 0.04,
- 0.04,
- 0.04,
- 0.51,
- 0.05,
- 0
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "users",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 19.82,
- 0.06,
- 0.05,
- 0.21,
- 0.57,
- 0.1,
- 0.15
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "sessions",
- "TabularARGN",
- 2888.8,
- 0.1,
- 0.1,
- 0.02,
- 0.55,
- 0.22,
- 0
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "users",
- "TabularARGN",
- 25.92,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.5,
- 0.03,
- 0.01
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "sessions",
- 4346.65,
- 0.13,
- 0.12,
- 0.25,
- 0.6,
- 0.25,
- 0
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "users",
- 551.63,
- 0.09,
- 0.09,
- 0.06,
- 0.55,
- 0.17,
- 0.01
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "sessions",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 27404.79,
- 0.37,
- 0.35,
- 0.16,
- 0.69,
- 0.76,
- 0.03
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "users",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 1210.05,
- 0.21,
- 0.19,
- 0.42,
- 0.61,
- 0.33,
- 0.1
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "sessions",
- "RGCLD",
- 879.34,
- 0.07,
- 0.07,
- 0.04,
- 0.52,
- 0.09,
- 0.01
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "users",
- "RGCLD",
- 61.12,
- 0.04,
- 0.04,
- 0.04,
- 0.51,
- 0.04,
- 0.02
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "sessions",
- "SDV",
- 66015.18,
- 0.64,
- 0.56,
- 0.44,
- 0.88,
- 1.32,
- 0.01
- [
- "Airbnb",
- "users",
- "SDV",
- 4925.25,
- 0.3,
- 0.26,
- 0.11,
- 0.65,
- 0.53,
- 0.01
- [
- "F1",
- "circuits",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 22.72,
- 0.17,
- 0.15,
- 0.1,
- 0.44,
- 0.25,
- 0.02
- [
- "F1",
- "constructors",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 7.87,
- 0.12,
- 0.11,
- null,
- 0.44,
- 0.12,
- null
- [
- "F1",
- "drivers",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 22.4,
- 0.42,
- 0.38,
- 0.86,
- 0.7,
- 0.88,
- 0.49
- [
- "F1",
- "results",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 613.12,
- 0.22,
- 0.21,
- 0.2,
- 0.68,
- 0.5,
- 0.07
- [
- "F1",
- "constructor_results",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- null,
- 0.12,
- 0.1,
- 0.09,
- 0.69,
- 0.15,
- 0.05
- [
- "F1",
- "constructor_standings",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- null,
- 0.08,
- 0.07,
- 0.06,
- 0.61,
- 0.09,
- 0.03
- [
- "F1",
- "qualifying",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- null,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- 0.01,
- 0.49,
- 0.04,
- 0
- [
- "F1",
- "races",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- null,
- 0.16,
- 0.14,
- 0.14,
- 0.55,
- 0.28,
- 0.08
- [
- "F1",
- "standings",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- null,
- 0.12,
- 0.1,
- 0.1,
- 0.6,
- 0.18,
- 0.07
- [
- "F1",
- "circuits",
- "TabularARGN",
- 95.75,
- 0.32,
- 0.27,
- 0.09,
- 0.56,
- 0.53,
- 0.04
- [
- "F1",
- "constructors",
- "TabularARGN",
- 50.05,
- 0.42,
- 0.36,
- null,
- 0.62,
- 0.56,
- null
- [
- "F1",
- "drivers",
- "TabularARGN",
- 61.65,
- 0.18,
- 0.16,
- 0.11,
- 0.51,
- 0.24,
- 0.05
- [
- "F1",
- "results",
- "TabularARGN",
- 1045.89,
- 0.13,
- 0.12,
- 0.12,
- 0.58,
- 0.25,
- 0.05
- [
- "F1",
- "constructor_results",
- "TabularARGN",
- null,
- 0.13,
- 0.13,
- 0.15,
- 0.74,
- 0.31,
- 0.06
- [
- "F1",
- "constructor_standings",
- "TabularARGN",
- null,
- 0.1,
- 0.1,
- 0.14,
- 0.71,
- 0.22,
- 0.04
- [
- "F1",
- "qualifying",
- "TabularARGN",
- null,
- 0.14,
- 0.14,
- 0.07,
- 0.56,
- 0.27,
- 0.03
- [
- "F1",
- "races",
- "TabularARGN",
- null,
- 0.11,
- 0.11,
- 0.11,
- 0.65,
- 0.25,
- 0.06
- [
- "F1",
- "standings",
- "TabularARGN",
- null,
- 0.1,
- 0.1,
- 0.1,
- 0.66,
- 0.19,
- 0.02
- [
- "F1",
- "circuits",
- 24.68,
- 0.25,
- 0.22,
- 0.14,
- 0.56,
- 0.39,
- 0.03
- [
- "F1",
- "constructors",
- 12.63,
- 0.14,
- 0.13,
- null,
- 0.51,
- 0.2,
- null
- [
- "F1",
- "drivers",
- 26.42,
- 0.12,
- 0.11,
- 0.15,
- 0.5,
- 0.23,
- 0.05
- [
- "F1",
- "results",
- 1195.69,
- 0.12,
- 0.12,
- 0.08,
- 0.6,
- 0.24,
- 0.02
- [
- "F1",
- "constructor_results",
- null,
- 0.07,
- 0.07,
- 0.04,
- 0.81,
- 0.13,
- 0.01
- [
- "F1",
- "constructor_standings",
- null,
- 0.08,
- 0.08,
- 0.09,
- 0.73,
- 0.13,
- 0.02
- [
- "F1",
- "qualifying",
- null,
- 0.05,
- 0.05,
- 0.03,
- 0.53,
- 0.11,
- 0.01
- [
- "F1",
- "races",
- null,
- 0.14,
- 0.13,
- 0.14,
- 0.7,
- 0.28,
- 0.08
- [
- "F1",
- "standings",
- null,
- 0.06,
- 0.06,
- 0.09,
- 0.72,
- 0.09,
- 0.01
- [
- "F1",
- "circuits",
- "RGCLD",
- 17.86,
- 0.21,
- 0.19,
- 0.09,
- 0.49,
- 0.28,
- 0.02
- [
- "F1",
- "constructors",
- "RGCLD",
- 7.8,
- 0.13,
- 0.11,
- null,
- 0.46,
- 0.1,
- null
- [
- "F1",
- "drivers",
- "RGCLD",
- 32.79,
- 0.09,
- 0.09,
- 0.04,
- 0.5,
- 0.15,
- 0.01
- [
- "F1",
- "results",
- "RGCLD",
- 550.03,
- 0.07,
- 0.06,
- 0.05,
- 0.56,
- 0.13,
- 0.02
- [
- "F1",
- "constructor_results",
- "RGCLD",
- null,
- 0.08,
- 0.08,
- 0.08,
- 0.68,
- 0.17,
- 0.01
- [
- "F1",
- "constructor_standings",
- "RGCLD",
- null,
- 0.08,
- 0.07,
- 0.04,
- 0.63,
- 0.1,
- 0.01
- [
- "F1",
- "qualifying",
- "RGCLD",
- null,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.02,
- 0.53,
- 0.07,
- 0.01
- [
- "F1",
- "races",
- "RGCLD",
- null,
- 0.19,
- 0.18,
- 0.14,
- 0.62,
- 0.4,
- 0.06
- [
- "F1",
- "standings",
- "RGCLD",
- null,
- 0.06,
- 0.06,
- 0.03,
- 0.61,
- 0.08,
- 0.01
- [
- "F1",
- "circuits",
- "SDV",
- 16.78,
- 0.34,
- 0.32,
- 0.32,
- 0.59,
- 0.64,
- 0.08
- [
- "F1",
- "constructors",
- "SDV",
- 129.11,
- 0.51,
- 0.44,
- null,
- 0.7,
- 0.89,
- null
- [
- "F1",
- "drivers",
- "SDV",
- 213.52,
- 0.21,
- 0.19,
- 0.05,
- 0.55,
- 0.33,
- 0.02
- [
- "F1",
- "results",
- "SDV",
- 12577.8,
- 0.61,
- 0.54,
- 0.54,
- 0.79,
- 1.26,
- 0.32
- [
- "F1",
- "constructor_results",
- "SDV",
- null,
- 0.48,
- 0.42,
- 0.55,
- 0.98,
- 0.96,
- 0.18
- [
- "F1",
- "constructor_standings",
- "SDV",
- null,
- 0.3,
- 0.27,
- 0.43,
- 0.9,
- 0.59,
- 0.1
- [
- "F1",
- "qualifying",
- "SDV",
- null,
- 0.81,
- 0.71,
- 0.62,
- 0.99,
- 1.71,
- 0.29
- [
- "F1",
- "races",
- "SDV",
- null,
- 0.24,
- 0.23,
- 0.21,
- 0.76,
- 0.48,
- 0.13
- [
- "F1",
- "standings",
- "SDV",
- null,
- 0.51,
- 0.46,
- 0.69,
- 0.92,
- 1.06,
- 0.32
- [
- "IMDB",
- "actors",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 1.05,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0,
- 0.5,
- 0.01,
- 0
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.53,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.49,
- 0.01,
- 0
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies2actors",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 79.34,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- null,
- 0.51,
- 0.03,
- null
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies2directors",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 43.43,
- 0.05,
- 0.05,
- null,
- 0.52,
- 0.1,
- null
- [
- "IMDB",
- "users",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.46,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.49,
- 0.01,
- 0
- [
- "IMDB",
- "directors",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- null,
- 0.02,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.49,
- 0.02,
- 0.01
- [
- "IMDB",
- "u2base",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- null,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0.5,
- 0,
- 0
- [
- "IMDB",
- "actors",
- "TabularARGN",
- 11.5,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.5,
- 0.02,
- 0
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.38,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.5,
- 0.02,
- 0
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies2actors",
- "TabularARGN",
- 186.39,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- null,
- 0.51,
- 0.02,
- null
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies2directors",
- "TabularARGN",
- 15.64,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- null,
- 0.52,
- 0.07,
- null
- [
- "IMDB",
- "users",
- "TabularARGN",
- 1.49,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.5,
- 0.03,
- 0
- [
- "IMDB",
- "directors",
- "TabularARGN",
- null,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.01,
- 0.51,
- 0.05,
- 0.01
- [
- "IMDB",
- "u2base",
- "TabularARGN",
- null,
- 0.07,
- 0.07,
- 0.07,
- 0.55,
- 0.18,
- 0.02
- [
- "IMDB",
- "actors",
- 0.01,
- 0.02,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.5,
- 0.01,
- 0
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies",
- 775.77,
- 0.13,
- 0.13,
- 0.02,
- 0.57,
- 0.31,
- 0.01
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies2actors",
- 1.89,
- 0,
- 0,
- null,
- 0.5,
- 0,
- null
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies2directors",
- 3.76,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- null,
- 0.49,
- 0.03,
- null
- [
- "IMDB",
- "users",
- 201.04,
- 0.09,
- 0.09,
- 0.07,
- 0.56,
- 0.23,
- 0.03
- [
- "IMDB",
- "directors",
- null,
- 0.06,
- 0.05,
- 0.03,
- 0.52,
- 0.1,
- 0.02
- [
- "IMDB",
- "u2base",
- null,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.51,
- 0.03,
- 0.01
- [
- "IMDB",
- "actors",
- "RGCLD",
- 3.46,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0,
- 0.5,
- 0.01,
- 0
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies",
- "RGCLD",
- 3.78,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- 0.5,
- 0.03,
- 0.01
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies2actors",
- "RGCLD",
- 157.16,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- null,
- 0.51,
- 0.04,
- null
- [
- "IMDB",
- "movies2directors",
- "RGCLD",
- 269.17,
- 0.13,
- 0.13,
- null,
- 0.57,
- 0.3,
- null
- [
- "IMDB",
- "users",
- "RGCLD",
- 3.24,
- 0.04,
- 0.03,
- 0.07,
- 0.51,
- 0.07,
- 0.03
- [
- "IMDB",
- "directors",
- "RGCLD",
- null,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- 0.5,
- 0.04,
- 0.01
- [
- "IMDB",
- "u2base",
- "RGCLD",
- null,
- 0.07,
- 0.07,
- 0.08,
- 0.54,
- 0.15,
- 0.06
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "historical",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 1.2,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0.01,
- 0.51,
- 0.01,
- 0
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "store",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0.6,
- 0.13,
- 0.12,
- 0.17,
- 0.58,
- 0.29,
- 0.07
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "historical",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.3,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.01,
- 0.5,
- 0.01,
- 0
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "store",
- "TabularARGN",
- 5.59,
- 0.05,
- 0.05,
- 0.05,
- 0.51,
- 0.1,
- 0.02
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "historical",
- 289.05,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.06,
- 0.53,
- 0.08,
- 0.02
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "store",
- 8.18,
- 0.1,
- 0.1,
- 0.19,
- 0.57,
- 0.22,
- 0.06
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "historical",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 5.08,
- 0.09,
- 0.08,
- 0.29,
- 0.55,
- 0.16,
- 0.14
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "store",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 179.83,
- 0.09,
- 0.08,
- 0.05,
- 0.52,
- 0.18,
- 0.02
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "historical",
- "RGCLD",
- 233.82,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.53,
- 0.07,
- 0
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "store",
- "RGCLD",
- 9.74,
- 0.1,
- 0.1,
- 0.06,
- 0.54,
- 0.18,
- 0.03
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "historical",
- "SDV",
- 7321.04,
- 0.22,
- 0.2,
- 0.37,
- 0.62,
- 0.44,
- 0.27
- [
- "Rossmann",
- "store",
- "SDV",
- 202.26,
- 0.19,
- 0.18,
- 0.14,
- 0.59,
- 0.39,
- 0.05
- [
- "Walmart",
- "depts",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 121.5,
- 0.02,
- 0.02,
- 0.03,
- 0.5,
- 0.05,
- 0
- [
- "Walmart",
- "features",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 0,
- 0.09,
- 0.09,
- 0.11,
- 0.54,
- 0.21,
- 0.03
- [
- "Walmart",
- "stores",
- "ClavaDDPM",
- 2.2,
- 0.21,
- 0.19,
- 0.27,
- 0.5,
- 0.38,
- 0.14
- [
- "Walmart",
- "depts",
- "TabularARGN",
- 412.4,
- 0.2,
- 0.17,
- 0.12,
- 0.62,
- 0.35,
- 0.05
- [
- "Walmart",
- "features",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0,
- 0.18,
- 0.16,
- 0.11,
- 0.59,
- 0.29,
- 0.05
- [
- "Walmart",
- "stores",
- "TabularARGN",
- 0.73,
- 0.17,
- 0.16,
- 0.22,
- 0.48,
- 0.36,
- 0.1
- [
- "Walmart",
- "depts",
- 126.77,
- 0.04,
- 0.04,
- 0.06,
- 0.53,
- 0.09,
- 0.02
- [
- "Walmart",
- "features",
- 0,
- 0.22,
- 0.2,
- 0.26,
- 0.68,
- 0.43,
- 0.07
- [
- "Walmart",
- "stores",
- 0.8,
- 0.23,
- 0.21,
- 0.16,
- 0.57,
- 0.49,
- 0.08
- [
- "Walmart",
- "depts",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 115.02,
- 0.18,
- 0.16,
- 0.35,
- 0.6,
- 0.34,
- 0.17
- [
- "Walmart",
- "features",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 0,
- 0.21,
- 0.19,
- 0.23,
- 0.61,
- 0.42,
- 0.1
- [
- "Walmart",
- "stores",
- "REaLTabFormer",
- 0.38,
- 0.07,
- 0.07,
- 0.13,
- 0.41,
- 0.13,
- 0.06
- [
- "Walmart",
- "depts",
- "RGCLD",
- 61.59,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.03,
- 0.51,
- 0.06,
- 0.01
- [
- "Walmart",
- "features",
- "RGCLD",
- 0,
- 0.18,
- 0.16,
- 0.12,
- 0.61,
- 0.28,
- 0.03
- [
- "Walmart",
- "stores",
- "RGCLD",
- 0.11,
- 0.16,
- 0.14,
- 0.09,
- 0.48,
- 0.18,
- 0.03
- [
- "Walmart",
- "depts",
- "SDV",
- 179.47,
- 0.19,
- 0.17,
- 0.18,
- 0.6,
- 0.34,
- 0.09
- [
- "Walmart",
- "features",
- "SDV",
- 0,
- 0.28,
- 0.25,
- 0.23,
- 0.7,
- 0.53,
- 0.08
- [
- "Walmart",
- "stores",
- "SDV",
- 4.12,
- 0.26,
- 0.25,
- 0.2,
- 0.57,
- 0.6,
- 0.05
- [
- "metadata": null
The SyntheRela Leaderboard provides a public evaluation of relational database synthesis methods using the SyntheRela benchmark (github). This benchmark incorporates best practices, a novel robust detection metric, and a relational deep learning utility approach that leverages graph neural networks. It enables a comprehensive comparison of methods across multiple real-world databases.
To add a model to the leaderboard, run the SyntheRela benchmark on your generated data and then open a pull request on the SyntheRela repository.
- Martin Jurkovič
- Valter Hudovernik
- Erik Štrumbelj
If you use the results from this leaderboard in your research, please cite our paper (citation below).